Good quality teaching, from a teacher who plans lessons, interventions, assessments and adapts work where necessary, is the first step in identifying and supporting children with special educational needs.
Through accessing good quality teaching, it may become evident that a child or young person isn't progressing as expected. A child or young person may need some additional provision or support putting in place to help them progress. This is referred to as SEN Support.
SEN support is an approach to supporting children and young people using an ongoing cycle. The cycle is referred to in the SEND Code of Practice as the graduated approach, using an 'Assess Plan Do Review' method.
This cycle gradually builds up support and by using a cycle that regularly assesses progress it can be identified what is working and what isn't working and, where more, or different, support may be needed.
A small percentage of children and young people may have needs that require an additional level of funding on top of the funding that their setting is expected to provide. Where this is the case, an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment can be requested from the local authority. This assessment may lead to a child or young person being issued an Education, Health and Care Plan.